Friday 22 April 2016

New Summer Term

This week in English we have been writing, creating story plans and we wrote the story of The Runaway Chapati. We also wrote about what we did in the Easter Holidays, we call this a recount.

On Thursday we wrote a card to the Queen because it was her birthday. She was 90 years old.

Miss Hawkes has joined Oak Class because she is learning to be a teacher.

Today we dressed up in Sports clothes because we have been thinking about the Fun Run and keeping healthy. We also did 4 long runs on the field. Before that we planted seeds for our new meadow.

We would like to introduce the May King and Queen who are......
Sara and Joshua

We have forest school on Thursday so please remember your wellies.

Friday 1 April 2016

Last Week of Term - RE week

This week at school we have been celebrating Mrs Byrne's Birthday. We gave her presents and cards. We sang a song, and we changed some of the words at the end for Mrs Byrne.

This week we planted our class potatoes. We hope they will grow and that we can eat some delicious potatoes.

Yesterday was RE day. We were learning about Easter and Holi. We did some Indian dancing and made some cakes. We drew around each other and threw paint. This is because Holi is a celebration of colour. There are some pictures of this on our web page.

This week we did some Art work using ideas from Stephen Wiltshire. We looked at pictures of Redbourn from the past and then had a go at drawing our own picture.

all children would have had a letter about the Easter Challenge. If you would like to take part the entrance fee is £1 and you need to create an little garden.

Mrs Tavender and Mrs Carey would like to wish you a relaxing and happy Easter Holiday. xx