Friday 1 July 2016

Sharing Assembly Week

Sorry we have not posted a blog for a few weeks. This was because it was slightly broken but Richard has fixed for us.

This week we did our sharing assembly. Most of us spoke about our learning. We sang a song called 'Build it High' and we showed work and music.

This week in Maths we have been dividing numbers. Today was Maths problem solving day. We thought it was fun because we liked doing the activities.

Last week some caterpillars arrived. This week they have started to hatch, one hatched during Maths, one during Learning Through Play and one over night. We are still waiting for 2 more.

We have been thinking about change and being in year 2. We have meet Miss Hoad a few times and this week we visited the classroom. We are looking forward to going in to Year 2.

Tomorrow is Strawberry Fayre - it would be lovely to see you all as we have a pot that you can buy.