Friday 27 January 2017

Fantasy Book week

In English this week we have been reading the story Billy's Bucket. The reason why we have been using this story is because we have been learning about fantasy stories. We designed and make our own fantasy settings.
In Maths we have been learning to double a number and find half of a number.
Double 4 is 8
Double 6 is 12

Half of 4 is 2

In Topic we have been learning about our artist William Morris. He made furniture and wallpaper. We recorded facts about him in our own way.

Friday 20 January 2017

Colour mixing week

This week in English we have been learning about characters in stories. The character we have been looking at is Goldilocks and we wrote a character description. This means we wrote about her personality, her appearance, her likes and dislike and our opinion.

In Art this week we learnt how to mix colours. Blue, red and yellow are primary colours and they make secondary colours.

In PSHE we have been thinking about what makes a good friend. We created posters to show this.

In Maths we have been adding numbers and finding different ways.

Friday 13 January 2017

Kaleidoscope making week

This week we were practicing our English skill of writing a story. We wrote the story 'My House is Your House'. We wrote the story starting at the beginning and when a character spoke we tried to use speech marks.

In Science we have been making Kaleidoscopes. We had to look in the kaleidoscopes that we made and had to draw the pattern on to a piece of paper. You have to spin the kaleidoscope to make different patterns. You need to shine it at the light because then you can see the patterns better.

Throughout the week we have been practicing writing our capital letters so that we can improve our sentences. Please remember these when you are writing at home!