Friday 2 December 2016


We have had a very busy week.......

In English we have been learning to say and write instructions. You have to use bossy words when you write an instruction such as spread, get, cut, put. We know the technical for bossy words is imperative verbs.
In Maths we have learnt about a couple of things. We have explored money, 2D shapes and 3D shapes.
We decorated the school Christmas tree today and we started to learn about the Christmas story. Rev Tim also visited the whole school to tell us about the story too. We have also had a special assembly about water.

On Monday we are going to Windsor Castle, we will let you know how it was next week.

Friday 25 November 2016

Time Week

This week in Maths we have been learning about time. We now know how to tell the time, when the minute hands points to the 6 it means half past.

We have been writing sentences to make a fact book. The book is about castles.

In RE this week, we learnt about light and what it means.

Tomorrow is the Christmas Bazaar, and our Christmas tree decorations will be on sale.

Friday 18 November 2016

Sharing Assembly Week

This week we have been learning about Castles. Some castles have moats and the King and Queen live in the Keep. Castles are build on hill so that they can see their enemies. Castles keep people safe.

Throughout the week we have been working hard to make our decoration for the Christmas Bazaar. We hope that you will like them because we do!

Today we did our sharing assembly. We thought we did really well. Did you like it? We spent time practicing our lines to that we could remember them.

Just to let you know, the library is now open on a Thursday and Friday before school. It would be lovely to see some of you there.

Friday 11 November 2016

Fantastic Fireworks!

We've had lots of fun with our learning this week.

In maths, we have been saying how many tens and ones are in a number.
18 has got 1 ten and 8 1s - Leo

In PSHE, we have been thinking about who is special to us. Rio enjoyed writing about his family.

This week, it has been Nursery Rhyme Week. Max brought in a book full of Nursery Rhymes and we have enjoyed reading them.

We have also been creating poems about fireworks. We wrote our poem, and then edited it by writing it in the shape of a firework. This is called a calligram.

In Phonics, we have been trying hard to write our words properly. Jake says it has helped him to look at the yellow part to find out what he needs to change.

This morning, we watched Maple's Sharing Assembly. Ethan thought it was interesting, he enjoyed the singing. Bella thought the girls' fireworks dance was epic. Well done, Maple Class.

This week, we have been thinking about our friendships. The Star Award is for someone who has been good at helping their friends at lunchtime. Well done to Harry!

Barney is going home with Sam for showing a really good attitude to his learning this week. Have a great weekend with Barney, Sam!

Friday 4 November 2016

Our First Blog

This week at school we have been very busy learning.....

Subtraction in Maths. Subtraction is another word for take away. We know that you have to take away the smaller number from the biggest number.

In English we used a 'Brilliant Book' called The Tunnel. We read the story then we wrote what was at the end of the tunnel. We could make up our own story and we call this Creative Writing.

In Topic we learnt to create a weather chart. We have been filling in the weather chart each day.

Science Learning this week we tested materials to see which ones floated and which one sank.

On Wednesday we have Forest School, please make sure your willies are at school.

Tuesday 1 November 2016

Oak Class Autumn 2016

Oak Class have been in Year 1 for 7 weeks. We have had a great 1st Autumn Term and enjoyed learning new things.
This terms topic is Brilliant Books and we have been reading books with different settings.

Friday 1 July 2016

Sharing Assembly Week

Sorry we have not posted a blog for a few weeks. This was because it was slightly broken but Richard has fixed for us.

This week we did our sharing assembly. Most of us spoke about our learning. We sang a song called 'Build it High' and we showed work and music.

This week in Maths we have been dividing numbers. Today was Maths problem solving day. We thought it was fun because we liked doing the activities.

Last week some caterpillars arrived. This week they have started to hatch, one hatched during Maths, one during Learning Through Play and one over night. We are still waiting for 2 more.

We have been thinking about change and being in year 2. We have meet Miss Hoad a few times and this week we visited the classroom. We are looking forward to going in to Year 2.

Tomorrow is Strawberry Fayre - it would be lovely to see you all as we have a pot that you can buy.

Friday 20 May 2016

School Trip Week

This week we went to Bekonscot Model Village for our school Trip. We saw some trains, we did a quiz, we did an Bekonscot alphabet, we saw lots of different sports, we saw lots of little houses, we saw a harbour, we saw lots of colourful fishes. It was such a busy day but we had a great time.

In English we have been learning facts and information about Space. We are going to write a non-chronological report about it.

We started our bean investigation so we have put some beans in just water to grow. Some beans in just air, some in the dark and some with everything.

This weeks Maths work has been about division. We have divided numbers and amounts.

We got Paddington again this week!!!! It is the second week in a row!!

Next week is May Day celebrations please read the letter for information.
School disco tonight.

Friday 22 April 2016

New Summer Term

This week in English we have been writing, creating story plans and we wrote the story of The Runaway Chapati. We also wrote about what we did in the Easter Holidays, we call this a recount.

On Thursday we wrote a card to the Queen because it was her birthday. She was 90 years old.

Miss Hawkes has joined Oak Class because she is learning to be a teacher.

Today we dressed up in Sports clothes because we have been thinking about the Fun Run and keeping healthy. We also did 4 long runs on the field. Before that we planted seeds for our new meadow.

We would like to introduce the May King and Queen who are......
Sara and Joshua

We have forest school on Thursday so please remember your wellies.

Friday 1 April 2016

Last Week of Term - RE week

This week at school we have been celebrating Mrs Byrne's Birthday. We gave her presents and cards. We sang a song, and we changed some of the words at the end for Mrs Byrne.

This week we planted our class potatoes. We hope they will grow and that we can eat some delicious potatoes.

Yesterday was RE day. We were learning about Easter and Holi. We did some Indian dancing and made some cakes. We drew around each other and threw paint. This is because Holi is a celebration of colour. There are some pictures of this on our web page.

This week we did some Art work using ideas from Stephen Wiltshire. We looked at pictures of Redbourn from the past and then had a go at drawing our own picture.

all children would have had a letter about the Easter Challenge. If you would like to take part the entrance fee is £1 and you need to create an little garden.

Mrs Tavender and Mrs Carey would like to wish you a relaxing and happy Easter Holiday. xx

Friday 18 March 2016

Rehearsal Week

We have had a busy week this week. We have been in treetops and back into Oak class enjoying our lovely new windows.
We have been doing lots of rehearsals for our Year One Easter play called Rise and Shine, which we are looking forward to performing next week.
This week in Maths we have been looking at time. We have made a big clock outside and made o'clock and half past times.
In English we worked hard, finding some rhyming words. We wrote our own version of Hickory Dickory Dock.

Today was Sport Relief Day and we all came dressed in our sport clothes. We then ran around the school for our sponsored school run.

Friday 11 March 2016

Window Week

This week we started practicing our Spring Play, it is called 'Rise and Shine'.

On Tuesday and Wednesday we had our new windows put in. They look nice and lovely. They really make a difference, we think the classroom feels warmer. We are really lucky because we now have a new area in our classroom. We can't use it at the moment, we will have to wait a month.

In Maths we have used directional and positional language. This means we have used the words, forwards, backwards, sideways, left, right, diagonally, half turn, whole turn and quarter turns.

For creative writing this week, we wrote a story about a magic bean.

Oak Class will be in Treetops on Monday and Tuesday.
Costumes for the play are due in on Thursday.

Friday 26 February 2016

Data week

This week in Maths we have been recording data. We asked people questions and created pictograms and tally charts.

In RE we read the creation story and some of us painted a picture about this in Learning Through Play.

On Monday we wrote our own Katie Morag book. We tried to use capital letters, full stops and speech marks all the time.

In PE we have started to learn our new skills with tennis. We had to throw the ball and try and hit it with the racquet. We also tried to balance the ball.

This week Oak Class got the golden bell which means we get an extra 5 minutes play time next week.

Building work on our new windows will start next week. Please read the letters about this

Friday 12 February 2016

3D Maths week

It has been a busy last week of term.
We have learnt at lot this week.......
1. In R.E we have learnt about baptism and welcoming a baby.
2. In Maths we have been looking at 3D shapes. We described them using the words points, edges, faces, vertices.
3. We predicted the next part of the story for Katie Morag.
4. Our computing session this week focused on zooming in and out.
5. We all ,managed to sew our socks this week.
6. In Gym we continued to practice our forwards rolls.

Don't forget to bring back you P.E kits on Monday.

Friday 5 February 2016

Forest School Week

This week in Oak Class we have ......
Been to Forest School. We drew some pictures of the tress, logs and leaves. We also did some digging and managed to dig up a root ball. We want to go back and do some more digging.

Today was NSPCC number day. We all wore a number. We used them to do some adding and we made our own number line. We also used them for subtraction. Some of use thought of the idea of sorting our numbers so we sorted ourselves by multiples of 2 and 5.

In RE we have been learning about belonging. We have discussed clubs, families and the school.

Maths is not just about numbers, this week we have been using measures. We have learnt about length, weight and capacity.

Katie Morag is still the stories we have been using but we have looked at the settings.

We are making socks in Design Technology. We have cut them out and now we are learning to sew.

Friday 22 January 2016

Work Shadowing Week

This week was work shadowing week and lots of our parents came to school to see how we do our learning. We hope you enjoyed yourselves!

In Maths we have been splitting numbers in to 10s and 1s, you call this partitioning. You can ask one of us if you are not sure what this means.

In English we learnt about non-chronological reports. We even had a go at writing one. We wrote reports about our senses.

In Music we have been learning to keep a steady beat. All of us used our owl learning skill of good listening.

School disco next week.
Building work will be starting on the windows so expect some noise!!

Friday 15 January 2016

First blog of the Year

Last week we went to Forest Schools. At Forest School we used our senses to explore. In the muddy kitchen we had herbs to smell and add to our mixtures. It was a very muddy day and a little bit cold.

Our new topic this term is Inside Out. Oak Class would like to learnt about inside the body, inside your brain, outside of houses, outside of trees, inside our clothes and lots more.

In English we have started to learn about non-chronological reports. Non-chronological reports have sub-headings, a title, include information and might have a photo. The information can be written in any order.

In Maths we have been looking at numbers. We chose a number and then recorded a number that was bigger and smaller than it.

Next week is work shadowing.

Thursday 14 January 2016

Welcome to our new blog site. Oak Class are looking forward to sharing their learning with you all.