Friday 5 February 2016

Forest School Week

This week in Oak Class we have ......
Been to Forest School. We drew some pictures of the tress, logs and leaves. We also did some digging and managed to dig up a root ball. We want to go back and do some more digging.

Today was NSPCC number day. We all wore a number. We used them to do some adding and we made our own number line. We also used them for subtraction. Some of use thought of the idea of sorting our numbers so we sorted ourselves by multiples of 2 and 5.

In RE we have been learning about belonging. We have discussed clubs, families and the school.

Maths is not just about numbers, this week we have been using measures. We have learnt about length, weight and capacity.

Katie Morag is still the stories we have been using but we have looked at the settings.

We are making socks in Design Technology. We have cut them out and now we are learning to sew.


  1. i enjoyed forest school. i enjoyed digging. i had fun at the disco.

  2. I saw a golden millipede at forest school, it thought I was a climbing frame. Someone said make a wish, so I did. When I tried to let it go, it didn't want to and it clung onto me.
