Friday 20 May 2016

School Trip Week

This week we went to Bekonscot Model Village for our school Trip. We saw some trains, we did a quiz, we did an Bekonscot alphabet, we saw lots of different sports, we saw lots of little houses, we saw a harbour, we saw lots of colourful fishes. It was such a busy day but we had a great time.

In English we have been learning facts and information about Space. We are going to write a non-chronological report about it.

We started our bean investigation so we have put some beans in just water to grow. Some beans in just air, some in the dark and some with everything.

This weeks Maths work has been about division. We have divided numbers and amounts.

We got Paddington again this week!!!! It is the second week in a row!!

Next week is May Day celebrations please read the letter for information.
School disco tonight.

1 comment:

  1. I loved going on the school trip,I liked looking at the little houses.
    I enjoyed writing facts about space, I even did it it in learning through play.
