Friday 11 November 2016

Fantastic Fireworks!

We've had lots of fun with our learning this week.

In maths, we have been saying how many tens and ones are in a number.
18 has got 1 ten and 8 1s - Leo

In PSHE, we have been thinking about who is special to us. Rio enjoyed writing about his family.

This week, it has been Nursery Rhyme Week. Max brought in a book full of Nursery Rhymes and we have enjoyed reading them.

We have also been creating poems about fireworks. We wrote our poem, and then edited it by writing it in the shape of a firework. This is called a calligram.

In Phonics, we have been trying hard to write our words properly. Jake says it has helped him to look at the yellow part to find out what he needs to change.

This morning, we watched Maple's Sharing Assembly. Ethan thought it was interesting, he enjoyed the singing. Bella thought the girls' fireworks dance was epic. Well done, Maple Class.

This week, we have been thinking about our friendships. The Star Award is for someone who has been good at helping their friends at lunchtime. Well done to Harry!

Barney is going home with Sam for showing a really good attitude to his learning this week. Have a great weekend with Barney, Sam!


  1. I remember getting this award. I felt proud. (Harry)🙂👍


  3. i remember getting this aword in fantasdice fire-werx week.
